Fishing Report For Feb-May 2014
Wreck Fishing
Febuary 14, 2014
This week Miami fishing report wreck fishing… We caught our second giant true American Red Snapper. True Red Snappers have been a rare catch of lately. These kings of the Snapper World, found on our deeper wrecks are a truly fun Sport Game Fish to catch. Red Snapper is an aggressive fish who strikes swiftly with a lot of power. When hooked they can pull as hard or harder than any of the bottom fish on the wrecks. Unfortunately the really big Snappers have been harder and harder to Catch.
This past week, fishing live bait over some of the deeper wrecks we caught a few of the largest Golden Amberjacks we have seen in a very long time. We were fishing with 50 pound line using a live “Flipper” or small Bonita with a long 60lb pound leader. The fish grabbed the live baits after about a fifteen minute wait. The bites were epic, the rods bent over hard and the line came flying off the reels. After a long, tough battle fighting the fish up from the grip of a 200 foot sunken freighter. Laying on the bottom in a jagged rusty hulk almost 250 feet from the surface. Up came a pair of beautiful Golden Amberjacks! We have also been catching a few Snowy Grouper and Vermillion Snapper while fishing on the wrecks. We target these fish using smaller live and dead baits fished on the bottom. They are schooling fish. When we find them on a wreck biting, the action can be fast and furious!
March Fishing Report
March 19, 2014
It’s about the beginning of the spring Dolphin fish (Mahi Mahi) run. We have been catching some of the years largest Dolphin (Mahi Mahi). The fish have been anywhere from about 8 pounds to over 30 pounds. The March Miami Fishing Report has been moving fast under frigate birds. We are finding fish in as close as 80 feet of water out to over 850 feet of water. Trolling with rigged fresh ballyhoo and Chugger style lures have had the best success with the larger fish. Bird teasers with small feathers are very effective on the medium and smaller fish.
Kite fishing on the western edge of the Gulf Stream has also produced some great Dolphin Fish catches. Live blue runners, goggle eyes, & herring are all great live baits we use in the kite. We also fish a fresh small Bonita out in the long kite position. Whatever style of fishing you choose to stay ready. Multiple hook ups are common if you are ready to act quickly. Most of the larger Dolphin fish are in smaller schools. If you are ready with spinning rods you can present baits to fish that follow hooked fish to the boat.
Spring Shark Fishing
April 18, 2014
Spring Shark Fishing Miami is just starting to heat up. This past week Capt. Manny and Chris caught a 9 foot 400+ pound Mako Shark. The large pelagic sharks make a strong migration past Miami and Miami Beach every spring. These large sharks are swimming on the western edge of the gulf stream. They are following bait fish to their summer grounds. Many of the large pelagic sharks take advantage of the warm southern waters & bountiful reefs. Many sharks are spawning down here and or giving birth to their pups. The warm reef water in conjunction of lots of small reef fish give the baby sharks an advantage.
Spring Mahi Fishing
April 24, 2014
Spring Mahi Fishing Miami and Miami Beach is heating up. We have seen some of the largest Bull Dolphin of the season. We have caught a few slammer bulls weighing in at almost 40+ pounds. Some giant cows have also been caught with a near 30 pound cow tipping the scales.
We have been finding the best fish from just outside the reef in about 100 feet of water out to over 800 feet of water. Some of our largest fish have come from about 400 feet of water, just about 2 miles off shore. Most of the slammer Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish) we see from the Tuna Tower either chasing birds like Shearwaters and Friget Birds. Or working through Sargassum weed lines and patches. Live baits on a spinning rod are our go to setup. 20 pound line and 60 pound leaders do the trick. Hooks are ch0sen to fit the bait. 8/0 short shank offset for a Blue Runner or Goggle Eye’s and 5/0 same style hooks for smaller baits like Pilchards and small jacks.
Tiger Shark Fishing
April 25, 2014
Tiger Shark fishing Miami is always an exiting activity. In the Spring and Summer Tiger Sharks will make their migrations past Miami and Miami Beach. The Giant sharks can be any where from just off the beach to in the middle of the Gulf Stream. We find the largest Tiger Sharks fishing off Miami just out side the deep reef. 200 feet of water to about 450 feet of water is a great area to fish for all of the large migratory game sharks.
This 700+ pound Tiger Shark was caught on 130 pound tackle. We were using a 10 pound tuna for bait, and were fishing near the bottom in about 300 feet of water. The giant shark put on a great battle and was released unharmed after a few quick pictures in the water.
May Fishing
May11, 2014
The Spring fishing is some of the best fishing off Miami & Miami Beach. The action heats up on the edge of the deep reef. This past week we have been catching some larger KingMiami Fishing Report May – Capt. Jay’s Deep sea Fishing Miami Fish and Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish) on the troll and live bait fishing. Kite fishing is also producing some great sailfish action and the Larger Black Fin Tuna. If you are looking for some “bend the rod” action the little tunny and school kings are bitting best in the mornings.
The highlight this past week has been some great shark fishing. Some of the largest Scalped “Golden” Hammer Head Sharks of the season were caught over the past week. The big sharks migrate and mate through our area in April, May and June. When the conditions are right, wind, current & water quality we are getting great action with these giant Sharks.
We target these large apex predators using whole 3 – 10 pound tuna, kingfish or other large bait fish. We present the baits in either the kite, on the surface in the riggers, suspended in the mid water or directly on the bottom.

Capt. Jay Cohen
Capt. Jay owns and operates the Miami fishing charter Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing. Capt. Jay has fished Miami for more than 40 years and holds several I.G.F.A world records and has won multiple tournaments, including the METT tournament and the fun fish boat in the Miami Billfish tournament. Capt. Jay discovered a new species of tilefish and had the honor of naming the fish (Bahama Tiger Tilefish).