Miami Tuna Fishing
The big Blackfin Tuna show up every year in may and migrate off Miami and Miami Beach through a good part of June. The fish are typically larger than 15 pound and Black fin Tuna up to well over 30 pounds. The tuna‘s bite best late in the afternoon, although we do catch them all through the day. The Blackfin Tuna’s are found on the edge of the gulf stream and the edge of the deep reef line. When the two are together, the tuna’s bite the best. We also find the Blackfin Tuna’s over most of the deep wrecks
Don't Miss Out on The Last Days to Catch Grouper This Season
Most of the Blackfin Tunas on our Miami Fishing Report Tuna we caught either kite fishing with live bait, or on flat lines. The live baits that we use for tuna in the kite and on the flatlines are: Goggle Eyes, Pilchards & Herring. The tunas respond best to very active baits. Fresh live bait caught that day works best. We also chum with live pilchards if they are available. Another great trick is we chunk out fresh baits. Chumming with the chunks really gets the tuna’s attention. We use mostly 20 pound line and light 50 – 60 pound leaders. Hook size is chosen to match the bait we are using. Circle hooks work well. On light tackle the tunas fight amazing, and the bite is explosive!

Capt. Jay Cohen
Capt. Jay owns and operates the Miami fishing charter Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing. Capt. Jay has fished Miami for more than 40 years and holds several I.G.F.A world records and has won multiple tournaments, including the METT tournament and the fun fish boat in the Miami Billfish tournament. Capt. Jay discovered a new species of tilefish and had the honor of naming the fish (Bahama Tiger Tilefish).