Great Skipjack Tuna Fishing in Miami
Miami Tuna Fishing during the summer months means catching football sized Blackfin Tuna. We find these tunas on the edge of the reef. Although if you venture off shore you may run into a lesser known tuna. The Skipjack Tuna is a remarkable purple colored bullet. The Skipjack is a smaller tuna averaging about 6 pounds, but found up to about 30 pounds. This small tuna is a tough fighter capable of long runs and big head shakes.
Everyone Catches Fish!
Miami tuna fishing for Skipjack Tunas, are known to be finicky feeders with great eye sight. We will some times find them in large schools feeding well off shore. As we fish around the large schools it becomes amazingly frustrating to see so many fish, and it can be hard to get them to bite
Everyone catches a fish! We find great success Miami tuna fishing by scaling back our tackle. Dropping our leader size to 30lb to 50lb. Switching from nylon leader to fluorocarbon leaders. We will also use small lures and feathers to “match the hatch” or imitate the small bait fish they are feeding on. Dropping the hook size to match the bait or lure. We have used hooks as small as 1/0 to 3/0. Therefore dropping your baits back farther from the boat will also help to get more strikes from Skipjack Tunas.

Capt. Jay Cohen
Capt. Jay owns and operates the Miami fishing charter Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing. Capt. Jay has fished Miami for more than 40 years and holds several I.G.F.A world records and has won multiple tournaments, including the METT tournament and the fun fish boat in the Miami Billfish tournament. Capt. Jay discovered a new species of tilefish and had the honor of naming the fish (Bahama Tiger Tilefish).